
An International News Web site hosted by global affairs analyst Christopher Milner with commentary on the day's most interesting news stories.

Monday, May 31, 2004

Sodomite-loving disciples of the Antichrist who wore rainbow-coloured sashes to Mass in support of male and female sexually anatomically challenged perverts were wisely denied Holy Communion in Chicago yesterday. Priests at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago refused to give the Eucharist to 10 sodomite-loving worshippers of Beelzebub in Chicago. The 10 were members of an Antichrist movement called the Rainbow Sash Movement. The Rainbow Sash Movement is a demonic idea that was conceived in England about five years ago. Like a spiritual plague, it has crossed the Atlantic into the United States. Its adherents support the ungodly abominations of sodomy and lesbianism and show their support for these satanic sexual practices by wearing rainbow-coloured sashes to Mass every year on the Feast Day of Pentecost. The Feast of Pentecost is the day that the Church celebrates the coming of the gifts of the Holy Spirit falling upon the disciples of Christ. Ignoring Christ's warning that the Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the Unforgivable Blasphemy, these Rainbow Sash degenerates show their support of satanic sexual practises on the Feast Day of the Holy Spirit Himself. The Antichrist rainbow sash members were denied Communion in Chicago but an Antichrist priest at St. Paul Cathedral in St. Paul, Minnesota gave Communion to the rainbow sash-wearing satanic degenerates even though God-fearing laymen tried to stop the Abomination of Desolation. Meanwhile back in Chicago, Rainbow Sash spokesdemon Joe Murray was among those justifiably denied Communion. With much gnashing of teeth, Murray snivelled, "What we saw today in the Cathedral is discrimination at the Eucharistic table and that shouldn't be happening." Well, Joey boy, you walking outhouse full of the droppings of unclean spirits, cease being an Apostle of the Antichrist and you'll be able to receive the Communion of Christ.
A bomb explosion has killed 15 people and injured nearly 40 at a Shia Muslim mosque in the southern Pakistani city of Karachi. The bomb was planted by tolerant peace-loving Sunni Muslim terrorists.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Saudi Arabian officials are hailing their rescue mission to free foreign hostages held in the city of Khobar a great success even though 22 hostages were killed and 3 of the 4 Muslim terrorist hostage takers escaped despite the massive presence of Saudi security forces. Well if Saudi Muslim government officials consider this a success, no wonder the Islamic world hasn't amounted to anything the past few centuries.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Saudi Arabian helicopters have dropped Saudi troops into a foreign oil workers' compound where about 50 foreigners are being held hostage by tolerant peace-loving Muslim terrorists. The incident is taking place in the Saudi Arabian city of Khobar. 10 people were killed earlier in the day by the tolerant peace-loving Muslim terrorists during the attack on the compound.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney says that the British government may have been a bit hasty in going to war in Iraq. It seems that British Prime Minister Tony Blair does seem to be singing, "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it seems that they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday."

Thursday, May 27, 2004

British police have finally gotten round to arresting loudmouth Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri, a known supporter of al-Qaeda. Even though the big mouth Muslim has been singing the praises of al-Qaeda since the 9/11 attacks of 2001, Scotland Yard has done nothing while he ranted and incited violence. Now he's in a British jail awaiting extradition to the United States. Well Abu, I hope you always wanted to be a porn star in a homosexual S/M porno film. That's usually what happens to foreign Muslims who end up in US custody.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

US Attorney-General John Ashcroft says that a multitude of sources seem to indicate that al-Qaeda will launch a major attack on America sometime this summer. Whether this is true or whether the Bush Administration is engaged in a really desperate election ploy only time will tell.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Here is the Global Daily Planet's first movie review of the year...this editor went to see the movie "Troy" tonight. He gives it 4 and a half out of 5 stars and 2 thumbs up.

Monday, May 24, 2004

US President George W. Bush will give a speech at the US Army War College tonight outlining his vision for Iraq. Hopefully President Bush went for an examination by his optometrist earlier today.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

It was 70 years ago today that the girlfriend/boyfriend bank robbing team of Bonnie and Clyde met their Waterloo in a police ambush outside Shreveport, Louisiana. The high-pressure bank withdrawal methods of Miss Parker and Mr. Barrow came to a dramatic conclusion in a hail of police bullets. The end result of all this was that the couple did not live long enough to see the movie that was made about them thirty odd years later that starred Faye Dunaway in the role of Bonnie.
Earlier today Paul Martin the Prime Minister of the Sodomite Union (the country formerly known as Canada) called a general national election for next June 28th. The Sodomite Union Federal Liberal Party leader will be facing as his opponents Stephen Harper the leader of the newly formed Conservative Party of Canada, socialist New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton and Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

It was 25 years ago today that Joe Clark, the stupidest man ever to hold the office of Prime Minister of Canada, was first (and lastly!) elected to that office. The moronic Mr. Clark only headed a minority government but governed as if he had a majority. The chinless bozo brought in an unpopular gasoline tax in his government's budget and got defeated on a no-confidence motion in Parliament as a result. He was promptly thrown out of office in the next election.
A lot of pablum-puking liberals are apparently upset by the decision of some Catholic bishops to deny Communion to pro-abortion politicians. They whine that this is spiritual abuse and telling people how to vote. Time Magazine's resident sodomite columnist Andrew Sullivan snivels that this could lead to the excommunication of the whole US Democratic Party (why this is a bad thing Mr. Sullivan doesn't say). No one has the right to be a Catholic if they deny the principles of the Catholic Faith. Liberals who don't stand for anything and don't think other people should stand for anything are naturally too stupid to grasp this point. They are also too stupid to grasp the fact that most US Catholic bishops are apostate and thus won't be denying Communion to fellow apostates John Kerry and Teddy Kennedy anytime in the near future. To support abortion and sodomy is satanic. That is why Catholic bishops who still believe the teachings of the pre-Vatican II Church refuse to give Communion to pro-abortion and pro-sodomite politicians. The Apostle Paul warned that those who take the body of Christ unworthily and drink the cup of Christ's blood unworthily eat and drink their own condemnation. Kerry and Kennedy are condemned in the eyes of God. And so are all the Roman Catholic disciples of Antichrist in the US Congress who signed a statement this past week objecting to denying Communion to these Satanic reprobates. Liberals, the US Democrats and most of the Catholic hierarchy in this country have Satan for their god either knowingly or unknowlingly. Such degenerates are not to fit to receive the Body and Blood of Christ.

Friday, May 21, 2004

New photographs and videos have emerged of the Bush Administration's foray into the homosexual S/M porno film industry starring the US Army and shot on location at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison. The Washington Post published some of the photos in yet another brazen attempt to boost its circulation. Meanwhile the World Health Organization in a report released today say people in the Western world are too fat which leads one back to the Nicholas Berg decapitation video. Is this a US Army made snuff film that the US Army doesn't want to take credit for? Why do the masked executioners of Nicholas Berg look more like fat overfed Americans in their physique than scrawny anorexic Muslims? As Andy Rooney might say, "Why is that?".

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Israel gave the middle finger to the Security Council of the Communist New Age United Nations and continued with its strongest offensive in the Gaza Strip in years. No doubt the brainless Palestinians will soon be wishing they had accepted Israeli Peace Maker Prime Minister Ehud Barak's offer of a Palestinian state back in the summer of 2000.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

It was 20 years ago today that NHL hockey superstar Wayne Gretzky and his original NHL hockey team the Edmonton Oilers won their first Stanley Cup.
The Security Council of the Communist New Age United Nations has voted to condemn Israel's demolition of homes in the Gaza Strip. The vote was 14-0 with the United States abstaining (the Bush Administration is preoccupied these days with its foray into the homosexual S/M porno film industry with movies starring the US Army being shot on location in Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison). Of course, if the obnoxious Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah hadn't continued their war on Israel after Israel's peace-maker Prime Minister Ehud Barak had good naturedly pulled all Israeli forces out of Lebanon back in the year 2000, the Israelis wouldn't be blowing up Palestinian homes now prior to their withdrawal from Gaza. The Arabs have only themselves to blame for their own misfortune. Maybe they can seek the intercession of Allah's three daughters since Mohammed called them the three divine intercessors in his original edition of the Koran (those verses that were later edited out and called the so-called "Satanic Verses". Of course any truly divine prophet of a true Divine Creator of the Universe wouldn't put in any Satanic Verses in a Scripture that was truly Divinely Inspired).
Australia's Melbourne Herald Sun newspaper is reporting that Charles Prince of Wales may marry his mistress, Camilla Parker-Bowles in a small church in Scotland at the end of September this year. No word yet on which one of the couple will take the high road and which one will take the low road and who will be in Scotland first.
Mrs. Sonia Gandhi has decided not to fill the post of Prime Minister of India herself. Instead her own hand-picked nominee, Manmohan Singh, a professional economist and former Finance Minister will become India's first Sikh Prime Minister.
The Second Trojan War hit the British House of Commons today when condoms full of purple flour were thrown at British Prime Minister Tony Blair during Question Period. The condoms were thrown at the Prime Minister by two members of a protest group calling themselves Fathers 4 Justice.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Karol Josef Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II, turned 84 years old today.
"Troy" the movie that starred a skirt-wearing Brad Pitt playing the role of the mighty Greek warrior Achilles earned $45.6 million and top spot at the movie box office this past weekend. The Global Daily Planet wondered why this movie wasn't called "The Trojan War" but then realized that if the film had been given that title, many people might have thought the movie was about some huge fight involving condoms.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Cancel those egg rolls and hold the chow mein! Mainland China's Communist President Hu Jintao must be ordering his Chinese food from a lousy take-out and delivery service these days. Last night on its airwaves, the Communist government in Beijing threatened Taiwan with destruction if Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian doesn't accept China as "one nation". No wonder the US aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk is cruising East Asian regional waters ahead of this Thursday's inauguration ceremony where Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian will be inaugurated for his second term as President of Taiwan. As for President Hu, change your take-out service. Maybe "try 426 Five-O Five-O, if you're hungry, call the Lydo now! Free delivery!" Either that or take a laxative! No reason to start World War III over the whole thing.
Ezzedine Salim the head of the US-backed Iraqi Governing Council was killed in a suicide bomb attack in Baghdad this morning.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

The same state that gave the world fat slob neo-Communist Teddy Kennedy and big haired big chin neo-Communist John Forbes Kerry will soon have sodomite weddings coming to a street near you. Sodomite weddings can now be officially performed in the state of Massachusetts starting tomorrow. The way was paved for the legally sanctioned blasphemy of God's creation covenant when the senile retarded judges of the US Supreme Court refused to rule this week on a decision on the subject made earlier this year by the senile retarded judges of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Those judges whose sodomite loving behinds warm the benches of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court said that to deny sodomites the right to marry was discrimination against sodomites since the aforesaid judges apparently discovered a right to sodomy in the original US Constitution (if George Washington and Thomas Jefferson weren't so afraid of a future ruling by judges on the rights of sodomite necrophiliacs, they'd both be turning over in their graves right now). These same judges on the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court have also recently ruled that freedom of religion only means the right to perform religious rituals and religious ceremonies, it doesn't mean the right to anything else with regards to the practise of religion. These abominations of desolation who sit on the bench of this Massachusetts court are helping to pave the way for the One World judicial system under the Antichrist. They'll probably hire the beheaders of Nicholas Berg as the first official New World Order executioners.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Ukraine has won the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest in Istanbul, Turkey. It is only the second time that Ukraine has taken part in the competition and the first time that Ukraine has won. Ruslana, a successful singer, producer, dancer and composer in her home country of Ukraine, won for her song "Wild Dance". Her combination of Carpathian Mountain highland folk music and a troupe of leather skirted clad female dancers inspired and stirred the imagination of the 36-member nation television voting audience. After wiping themselves, the audience judges voted and Ruslana from Ukraine won with 280 points.
The Congress Party of India unanimously elected Sonia Gandhi as its leader in Parliament today. This makes it more than likely that Mrs. Gandhi will indeed become India's next Prime Minister.
South Korean President Roh Moo-Hyun returned to his regular day job in Seoul yesterday after the South Korean Constitutional Court overturned the South Korean Parliament's vote to impeach him. Rumour has it that the returned President's first act was to ask people not to think of him as a South Korean Bill Clinton.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Parliamentary coalition allies of the Indian Congress Party have agreed to Sonia Gandhi becoming Prime Minister. That means if Mrs. Gandhi is elected parliamentary leader of the Indian Congress Party caucus tomorrow, in all likelihood, she will become the next Prime Minister of India.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Two curious things to note regarding the video purporting to show the beheading of Nicholas Berg. Nicholas Berg is believed to have been killed around April 10th. In the video, the killers said they are killing Berg in retaliation for the prisoner abuse known to the world at Abu Ghraib prison. But photos of that abuse were only published in the media and became known to the public two weeks after Berg was killed. This is a matter that should be investigated by people the detective calibre of Sherlock Holmes or Adrian Monk.
India's opposition Congress party led by Italian-born Sonia Gandhi (the widow of the late assassinated former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi) has swept to victory in India's general election today. Her party defeated the governing BJP-led alliance of current Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee. Mrs. Gandhi said it would up to her Congress Members of Parliament to decide if she or someone else in the Party will assume the role of Prime Minister in the next few weeks.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

The Vatican continues to show itself to be the seat of Satan in the modern world as Vatican Foreign Minister Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica that the humiliation of Iraqi prisoners by US soldiers was worse than the 9/11 attacks. The Iraqi prisoners can see their families again. The people who died on 9/11 can't.
US troops are busy torturing and humiliating Iraqi prisoners. Neo-Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh compares the whole thing to the initiation ceremonies of Skull and Bones (which doesn't say much for the organization Skull and Bones and doesn't say much for the US political process either since Skull and Bonesman Bush will be running against Skull and Bonesman Kerry in this November's upcoming Presidential election). And how does Rush Limbaugh know what goes on in Skull and Bones initiation ceremonies? Meanwhile US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says he won't resign and US President George W. Bush goes down to the Pentagon and says he has complete confidence in Rumsfeld and won't ask him to resign or fire him and then seals the deal with a Freemasonic handshake between the two men in full public view on television (confident of course that most Americans are oblivious to Freemasonic handshakes which they probably are!). As for Arab Muslims, they blow whatever sympathy and goodwill they were enjoying from the rest of the world by sadistically beheading Nick Berg of Philadelphia and videotaping the whole thing and then posting it on a tolerant peace-loving Islamic website. In Iraq where the demonic entity known as Abadon or Apollyon or The Destroyer is prophecied to arise from the River Euphrates near the end of time, the fanatic perversions of a pornographic decadent and occultic culture (America) blow head-on into the fanaticism of a savage and bloodthirsty false religion (Islam) reaping a bitter whirlwind for the entire world.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Germany the same country that elected Adolf Hitler its Chancellor is positively beaming with pride at the fact that the Sasser worm boy wonder turns out to be a German. Boasted the Berlin daily Tageszeitung, "The worm which brought a not inconsiderable portion of the world to a standstill, stopped aeroplanes from taking off, paralysed a third of Taiwanese post and the European Commission, originated from the first floor of a brick house in a back of beyond town with just 800 inhabitants." Ah yes, those Aryan youth have always been so underestimated. A couple of years ago, Germany's school children were placed in the bottom third of an international Pisa study of 32 industrialized countries in reading, mathematics and science (their ratings in ethics were probably even lower than that!). Now that the Sasser worm creator turns out to be a German brat, Germans are heralding this as proof that the study was wrong and that German youth are being underestimated. Why it almost makes one want to sing the Horst Weissel song, "The morning will come when the world is mine, tomorrow belongs to me." But Basil Fawlty is more likely to put everything in perspective, "Who won the bloody war anyhow?". Or even Maxwell Smart, "If you people are so smart, how come you lost two world wars?". This also shows that the stupidest academics in the world today are theology and Scripture professors. In every other field of study; philosophy, history, literature and economics, pompous German academics of the past who used to influence those fields are now being given the raspberry they so richly deserve. It's only in the field of theology and so-called higher Biblical criticism that the brayings of the donkeys of 19th and 20th Century German theological thought still hold sway as Gospel truth in the University Religious Studies departments and Divinity schools of the Western world. Only theologians are stupid enough to continue to bow before the altar of the donkey heads of this pompous, arrogant and criminal nation known as Germany.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Two men planning to carry crosses at a sodomite Gay Day Parade in Dayton, Tennessee yesterday were arrested by Dayton police officers on charges of disorderly conduct. The two men were arrested on private property across the road from the sodomite gathering at Dayton's Point Park without being read their Miranda rights. Dayton's 1984 Orwellian Nazi Police Chief Kenneth Walker refused to discuss the reading of the men's rights. Foamed Walker, "They were arrested, that's it. They don't need to try their case here, they should try it in court." The quite literally fascist pig Walker is probably a sodomite himself.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

To all the pablum-puking liberals in the West and at the United Nations who find the security wall between the Israelis and the ever so hyper-emotional terroristically inclined Palestinians so objectionable, here's a fact from the Australian news agency, news.com.au, that will make you whine even further: since the wall has been built, there has been no suicide attacks in Israel since October, 2003 (the southern section of the wall had not been completed in October, 2003).
The Middle East Newsline reported today that the Bush Administration is quietly preparing itself for the fact that Israel will most likely attack and destroy Iranian nuclear facilities this summer in an attempt to prevent the Islamic Republic from completing an atomic bomb as early as the end of this year.
Muslim Jihadi terrorists have killed Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov in a bomb attack in the Chechen capital of Grozny. Over 30 people were killed in addition to Mr. Kadyrov. The attack happened at Grozny's Dynamo Stadium at 10:35 AM local time when a device exploded at a ceremony marking the Allied victory over Nazi Germany at the end of World War II. The bomb (believed to be a mine planted in the concrete during stadium renovations last year) had gone off in the VIP seating area of the packed Dynamo Stadium. It is believed General Valery Baranov, the Commander of Russian Forces in Chechnya, was injured during the attack.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

An 18-year-old German high school student has admitted to creating the Sasser internet worm. The computer sabotaging youth (or "yute" as My Cousin Vinny would say) was arrested yesterday near the town of Rotenburg in northern Germany. He has been released on his own recognisance. Computers and disks have been seized from the home of the suspect who goes by the pseudonym Sven J. Under German law, computer sabotage carries a sentence of up to five years in prison. Maybe they can send him over to Singapore for trial and if convicted, they can give him the same sentence they gave the American vandal Michael Fay a decade ago. That means a year from now, Sven J. will still be singing those Sir Elton John lyrics, "I'm Still Standing".

Friday, May 07, 2004

In Moscow today, Russian President Vladimir Putin was inaugurated at a Kremlin ceremony to begin his second term as President of Russia.
At least 15 people were killed and over 100 injured when a Sunni Muslim suicide bomber blew himself up in the middle of a Shi'ite Muslim mosque in the southern Pakistani city of Karachi earlier today.
When it became embarrassingly apparent at Westminster that no major Weapons of Mass Destruction were being found in Iraq after the invasion and overthrow of Saddam Hussein, British Prime Minister Tony Blair stood up in the UK's House of Commons and said, "Well at least one good thing as a result of our actions is that Iraqi citizens are no longer being tortured by Saddam Hussein." That's true. Iraqi citizens are no longer being tortured by Saddam Hussein. Now they're being tortured by the Americans.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Another bloodless revolution has happened in Eastern Europe. Aslan Abashidze the leader of Georgia's breakaway Adjara region has resigned and left his Black Sea province bound for exile in Moscow. Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili has now imposed direct presidential rule from Tbilisi the Georgian capital over the separatist region of Adjara.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

The Roman Catholic Church is continuing on its merry way to becoming the Whore of Babylon not to mention the Cross-Dresser of Sodom and Gommorah. And it appears to be the apostate Spanish Catholic Church that's leading the way what with being engaged in very intimate forms of ecumenical dialogue with the pagan moon-god worshipping religion of Islam and removing the statue of St. James the Moor-Slayer from the chapel of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Now the Spanish Catholic Church is bending over to help out the sodomites. Monsignor Manuel Monteiro de Castro (he would be a Castro!) the papal nuncio in Madrid told the Spanish Catholic bishops in a speech this past weekend, "there are other forms of cohabitation (besides the marital union of man and woman) and it is good that they be recognized". New Scriptures now obviously: "And the papal nuncio in Spain looked out upon the land and he saw sodomy and saw that it was good". One of these days, the papal nuncio will be gazing on a landscape of pitchforks and steaming hot cauldrons and fire and brimstone. Will he think those good as well?
The Lithuanian Parliament in Vilnius has passed a law banning impeached Lithuanian President Rolandas Paksas from running for President next month. Mr. Paksas, 47, was impeached on Corruption charges by the Vilnius Parliament this past April 6th and had called new Presidential elections for June 13th next month. Mr. Paksas, a former stunt pilot, thought he could pull off a stunt by running for President again in next month's election. However the Lithuanian Parliament has grounded the former pilot's campaign hopes by banning him from running for President. Still Mr. Paksas can always come to the United States of America to show off his political expertise since the Global Daily Planet is sure that stunts will be pulled off by both the Democrats and the Republicans in this year's US Presidential election.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

The Sasser worm continues to wreak havoc across the globe shutting down the computers of over 130 corporations and institutions all over the world including the European Commission, the British Coast Guard, Deutsche Post, Goldman Sachs and British Airways. Two of the Global Daily Planet correspondents, Hrundi V. Bakshi and Harry Woo have told this editor that they are looking for a giant bottle of tequila to bottle this worm. This editor suspects that the two correspondents have already drunk that tequila and let this worm out of the bottle.

Monday, May 03, 2004

The Roman Catholic Church is rapidly turning into a caricature of the Happy Hairdresser. The Church has announced that it is removing a statue from a Spanish Cathedral that shows St. James the Apostle slicing the heads off Moorish invaders. It is removing the statue to avoid causing offence to Muslims. Cathedral authorities in the city of Santiago de Compostela on Spain's north west coast plan to move the statue to a museum. Thus the statue of Saint James the Moor-Slayer will no longer be prominently displayed in the Cathedral Chapel to avoid upsetting the "sensitivities of certain groups". According to legend, Saint James the Apostle and Martyr (a son of Zebedee and the brother of Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist) was said to have appeared in a vision to Christian troops fighting the bloodthirsty Saracen Moorish hordes at the Battle of Clavijo in 844. Inspired by the vision, the noble crusaders cried, "Santiago y cierra Espana" ("St. James, we will reconquer Spain") and went on to win the battle lopping off the head of many a Moor in the process. Now the statue of St. James the Moor-Slayer in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela will be replaced by the "kinder, gentler statue" of St. James the Pilgrim (both statues were done by the same 18th Century Spanish artist, Jose Gambino). This sickening display of political correctness designed to be culturally sensitive towards groups who don't show any sensitivity towards anyone else themselves explains why so many modernist Roman Catholics were offended by Mel Gibson's graphic portrayal of the brutality inflicted upon Christ by the Romans in "The Passion of the Christ". As for the Statue of St. James the Moor-Slayer, the Global Daily Planet has a suggestion where the post-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church can stick it... in the very centre of the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem.
The United States of America continues to move in the direction of an Orwellian 1984-style Big Brotheresque society. The US Selective Service System of the Department of Defense is proposing a revamp of the draft. The proposal would extend the age of draft registration to 34 years old up from the current 25. The draft would include the registration of women as well as men and these young men and women ages 18 to 34 would be required by law to inform the government about any professional skills they might have. No word yet on when these young men and women will be required to have a microchip embedded in their right hand or forehead and still no word on when the lyrics of the US National Anthem will be changed to "America uber alles".
A massive computer worm has struck hundreds of thousands of PCs globally. Taiwan and Finland appear to be the two worst hit countries with numerous companies being forced to close for the day including Taiwan's national Post Office. The worm dubbed "Sasser" spreads automatically via the Internet to computers using Microsoft Windows Operating Systems (Imagine that! It spreads to computers that use Microsoft Windows Operating Systems! As the French Inspector in the movie Casablanca would say, "I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!"). The Sasser worm is a new breed of worm as it spreads by people visiting infected web sites on the Internet. The worm does not need to be activated by double-clicking on an e-mail attachment (as is the case with most worms) and can strike even if no one is using the PC at the time. When a machine is infected, error messages may appear and the computer may automatically reboot repeatedly. Microsoft says it does have software patches available to fix the problem. Well isn't that nice?

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says he will not resign despite the majority of the membership of his own Likud Party voting in a party referendum to reject his Gaza pullout plan. Mr. Sharon says he will now consult with the cabinet of his coalition government.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

It was exactly one year ago today that US President George W. Bush donned Navy airman fatigues and flew aboard a US Navy destroyer to declare the "hostilities in the Iraq War officially over". Meanwhile tonight, ferocious gunbattles continue between US forces and Muslim insurgents in the Iraqi cities of Fallujah and Najaf.
Vatican Cardinal Renato Martino gave a speech in Rome yesterday in which he said that a drive to impose democracy on other nations is a "grave error". Said Cardinal Martino, "To those who organize crusades for democracy, I repeat today that any attempt to be seen as liberators, any effort to transplant democracy is doomed in advance." The Italian prelate said that any move toward democracy must be "born from within and desired by the people". Someone should put a copy of this speech on top of US President George W. Bush's desk in the Oval Office with the notation on top, "He's talking about you, stupid."
Today marks a historic milestone...10 new countries joined the European Union today raising to 25 from 15 the number of member states. The 10 nations that joined are Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Malta and Greek-Cypriot southern Cyprus. Eight of the 10 are former Communist countries who, after having thrown off the shackles of Communism during the 1990s, now join a community of nations whose lives are run by a politically schizophrenic partly Communist, partly Fascist EU bureaucracy in Brussels.

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