
An International News Web site hosted by global affairs analyst Christopher Milner with commentary on the day's most interesting news stories.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

California's "Girlie Man" neo-Nazi Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is showing himself to be a New World Order fascist totalitarian despot of the worst kind. Yesterday the limp-wristed fasco-pansy bodybuilder vetoed three bills. One was aimed at protecting e-mail privacy at work and the others were aimed at safeguarding private medical and financial data. In the 1984-style California of 2004, it can be said (in a thick Austrian accent), "Big Ahnold is vatching you."

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The editor of the Global Daily Planet saw the funniest election campaign bumper sticker that he had seen in years last night. The sticker read: Kerry-Edwards: When you're as full of crap as these guys, you need two Johns.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

And the news for today... tremours have been recorded at an alarming rate in the vicinity of Mount Saint Helens in Washington state leading to speculation that the old girl might blow her top again like she did back on May 18th, 1980. Back in that month, old timer Harry Truman (no relation to the US President) who lived in the vicinity said there was no way that mountain would erupt. Meanwhile the greatest scientific geniuses of the current age are saying that there's zero percent chance of the asteroid passing by the Earth tomorrow actually hitting the earth. Zero percent they say. Reruns of The Truman Show, anyone?

Monday, September 27, 2004

This just in... Israel Radio has reported that Pakistani forces have captured Osama bin Laden's top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri. The murderous Egyptian physician and terrorist follower of the Pervert Mohammed was second-in-command of al-Qaeda and the former head of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization. Hopefully if the report is true, they'll make the camel dung eating al-Zawahiri have both a shower and a bath. As Basil Rathbone playing the role of Sherlock Holmes might say on such an auspicious occasion, "We must have him looking his best prior to his disembowelment and hanging on the world stage."

Sunday, September 26, 2004

A leading Hamas Palestinian terrorist scumbag, Izz El-Deen Sheikh Khalil has gone directly to Hell after a bomb exploded in his car in the Syrian capital of Damascus. Israel's courageous Mossad intelligence service was probably behind the extermination of this Mohammedan terrorist. Hamas (which cheerfully kills Israeli civilians and doesn't think twice about it) has gone completely ballistic over the killing of one of their scumbag leaders. They are busy snivelling and wailing like the innate cowardly followers of the Pervert Mohammed that they are. The Muslim terrorist government of Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus likewise have their pantyhose in a knot over Mr. Khalil's killing. And now a nice atomic mushroom cloud hanging over Damascus should help solve Mr. Assad's problem.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

The Manchester Guardian newspaper in Britain has discovered what most people who have thoroughly studied history already knew... that George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush served on the board of directors of several companies who helped financed Hitler's rise to power and financially supported Nazi Germany. Maybe one of these days the Manchester Guardian might also discover that the Skull and Bones Society founded at Yale in 1832 was the US sister society of the German Thule Society, an occultic secret society in the states of Germany. It was the occultic Thule Society which was directly responsible for the creation of the German National Socialist Workers' Party (better known as the Nazis). One of the Thule Society's occultic adepts in the second decade of the 20th Century was a young man named Adolf Hitler.

Friday, September 24, 2004

The tolerant peace-loving Muslim government of Egypt has denied rock superstar Madonna a visa to visit the country because (horrors!) she visited the nation of Israel. Maybe the US Congress should think about cancelling the $50 billion US it gives Egypt each year. Since when is visiting Israel a crime save in the most anti-Semitic of countries?

Thursday, September 23, 2004

A Kurdish Iraqi-born Canadian woman kidnapped in northern Iraq managed to escape by promising one of her captors that she'd help get him Canadian citizenship if he let her go. In any other country in the world such an offer would be considered a joke. But this is Canada (aka the Sodomite Union) that we're talking about. A hundred years ago in early 20th Century Canada under Liberal Prime Minister and devout Christian Sir Wilfrid Laurier, immigrants used to say, "Me Ukrainian. Me vote Liberal." Today in the early 21st Century under Liberal Prime Minister and devout Luciferian Paul Martin, immigrants say, "Me Muslim terrorist. Me vote Liberal."

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Texas Republican Representative Ron Paul is justifiably warning Americans against the 9/11 Commission's recommendations for a National ID Card and internal surveillance checkpoints within the United States itself. Rep. Paul wisely noted this system advocated by the 9/11 Commission differs little from the old Soviet system of internal passport control within the old Soviet Union. And both neo-Fascist George W. Bush and neo-Communist John Forbes Kerry would love to see such a system of control if either of them is elected President. Just like (despite Kerry's attacks on Bush over the issue today) a military draft is likely to be issued no matter which of the Skull and Bones duo is elected President in November. The United States of America once the "Land of The Free and the Home of the Brave" is rapidly making the transition from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Antichrist French President Jacques Chirac is calling for a system of global taxation to help eliminate world poverty. The question one must ask this stupid, pompous and arrogant frog is... if systems of taxation within individual sovereign nation states have failed to eliminate poverty within those states, what makes this ribbiting and fly-eating genius think that global taxation (presumably administered within a Communist New Age UN world government) will be able to do the trick? The resident of the Champs Elysee Palace would find much better luck asking a Parisienne boulevard hooker to do a trick.

Monday, September 20, 2004

The new limp-wristed pansy Socialist government of Spain are showing themselves to be just that-- a bunch of limp-wristed pansies. The Antichrist Spanish Socialist cabinet have announced they intend to legalize sodomite and lesbian blowhard marriages effective October 1st. El Diablo is now the effective ruler of Spain.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Russian President Vladimir Putin has justifiably accused the West of supporting global Islamic terrorism through the European Union's and America's tacit support of the Muslim terrorist Chechen independence movement.

In other news, former Chinese President Jiang Zemin has formally stepped down as head of Communist China's military forces handing over the last vestige of his power to current Chinese President Hu Jintao. Hu will now probably be the man to oversee the invasion of Taiwan and the crushing of the last vestiges of democracy in Hong Kong as well as a North Korean nuclear missile strike on the US mainland.

Still in other news, former Czech President Vaclav Havel isn't likely to be invited to any big Hollywood parties in the near future. Mr. Havel has undoubtedly found himself on the black list of numerous Hollywood celebrity airheads and butt-kissing Fidel Castro admirers when the former Czech President and dissident playwright called Cuba "a gigantic prison" at a Conference in Europe this past week. The fat bald-headed Commie Edward Asner no doubt crapped his enormous pants on hearing those remarks and the ever so volatile Alec Baldwin is probably vowing never ever to visit the Czech Republic (which will come as an enormous relief to Czechs everywhere).

And for what's it worth, pop superstar Britney Spears has now married for the second time in 9 months. Like most young women her age, she naturally fell for some obnoxious nerd.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

A special advisory body to the federal cabinet of Japan has designated Communist China as the greatest military threat the nation of Japan now faces. Meanwhile both the neo-Fascists and the neo-Communists who control the two major political parties in the USA continue to hail Communist China as a valued trading partner for the US.

Friday, September 17, 2004

The two official Muslim clergymen to the Palestinian Authority have openly called on Palestinian radio and television for the genocide and total extermination of the Jewish people claiming that according to an Islamic hadith (tradition) the Hour of Resurrection for all mankind can't come about until Muslims have slaughtered the last Jew. Well this should be enough to convince any rational thinking person that the Palestinians are not at all interested in genuine peace. However only rational thinking people will reach this conclusion. The cowardly European Union and the Communist New Age United Nations will continue to insist that the Palestinian people have a state of their own.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

One thing that's becoming increasingly apparent about the neo-Fascist neo-conservatives in the Administration of Rev. Sun Myung Moon-financed US President George W. Bush is that at heart they prefer Muslim scumbags to any country that lies within the sphere of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Hence the neo-conservatives' membership in organizations supporting Chechen independence. Hence the Bush Administration's buddy-buddy relations with the scumbag Wahhabi ruling elite of despotic Saudi Arabia including the House of Saud and the bin Laden family. On the other hand, they'll strongly condemn Russian President Vladimir Putin (a Russian Orthodox believer) for wanting to appoint Regional Governors in Russia's regions in the wake of the Beslan school hostage taking tragedy. They hypocritically accuse Putin of undermining democracy and increasing authoritarianism (these are the same dirtbags in Washington DC who brought in Patriot Acts I and II as well as the Homeland Security Act which severely curtails the rights and liberties of American citizens in the name of stopping foreign terrorists). Bush is also the same dirtbag who wishes to bring in a new Mental Health Act which will make mandatory mental health tests for all school children in the country and compulsory taking of anti-depressant drugs by children without parental consent (if necessary) if Johnny or Sally is considered mentally unfit by the new Soviet Politbureau of Psychiatry in Washington DC. Meanwhile idiots such as Jerry Fatwhale and Pat Slobertson and their dimwitted followers continue to hail the draft-dodging, cocaine-snorting bisexual Skull and Bonesman Freemason Bush as Christ's Lieutenant on Earth. Of course, the neo-Communist Democrats are no better when it comes to preferring Muslim scumbags to nations of Eastern Orthodox Christendom. Hence the Clintonistas' bombing under Bill Clinton of Orthodox Serb civilians in Belgrade in order that the drug-trafficking gangsters in the Kosovo Liberation Army could have their own state to run.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Pop superstar Madonna arrived in Israel today to mark the start of the Jewish New Year by embarking on a Kabbalistic pilgrimage. The Material Girl and occasional kissing partner of Britney Spears will be visiting the graves of Jewish sages in northern Israel, the Western Wall on Jerusalem's Temple Mount and the tomb of Rachel in Bethlehem. Shouting, screaming but ever so tolerant, peace-loving (according to the UN and EU) Muslim Palestinians are expected to protest during her visit to Bethlehem.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is showing himself to be a Girlie Man Apostle of the Antichrist of the first order. The limp-wristed muscular Terminator of Judeo-Christian values in America has signed the first fag friendly piece of legislation to cross his gubernatorial desk. The bill would require insurance companies in the state to offer insurance coverage to registered fag and dyke domestic partners. The Nazi sympathizing Girlie Man then did what his beloved Fuhrer (and fellow countryman) did in Germany exactly 70 years ago this year--bring in gun control. The fruity husband of Maria Shriver signed legislation restricting the sale and ownership of .50 caliber BMG rifles. Arnie boy thought these guns might be used by terrorists. Of course to Arnie boy (wouldn't he look so fabulous dressed in pink!) anybody's a terrorist who opposes the satanic New World Order he and his S/M masters in the Illuminati are trying to create.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Patriarch Petros VII of Alexandria the head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Africa was killed in a helicopter crash along with 16 other people this past weekend. The helicopter crashed into the sea off the northern Greek coast on Saturday. The helicopter was flying from the Greek mainland to the monastic island of Mount Athos. Greece has declared 3 days of national mourning.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Rumours abound in the South Korean news media that Stalinist North Korea conducted an underground nuclear bomb test earlier this week. An explosion was noted near the North Korean-Chinese border and a large crater in the area has been picked up by satellites from space. Perhaps North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il is preparing for what he'll do to the United States of America if the American electorate don't vote for oriental despot Kim's endorsed candidate for President of the United States, neo-Communist Senator John Forbes Kerry from the People's Republic of Massachusetts. Kim's probably saying to himself between mouthfuls of deliciously spicy Korean food, "I, an atheistic Marxist-Stalinist, can easily go one better than any backwards Muslim who wears a stupid looking turban on his head as head apparel."

Saturday, September 11, 2004

It was 3 years ago today that the 9/11 attacks occurred-- a day that shall live in infamy!

Friday, September 10, 2004

After killing at least 30 people and destroying over 90% of the buildings on the Caribbean island of Grenada, Hurricane Ivan "The Terrible" is now headed for the Caribbean island of Jamaica.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

And still more from the obnoxious world of Islam... Ayman al-Zawahri second in command to al-Qaeda Muslim terrorist leader Osama bin Laden has released a nauseating videotape of himself to the al-Jazeera network to celebrate the upcoming third anniversary of 9/11. Meanwhile US Secretary of State Colin Powell has finally done what the Communist New Age United Nations and the cowardly European Union have so far refused to do--he has officially called the killing taking place in Sudan's Darfur region of black African Christians by the Arab Muslim terrorist militias and their sponsors in the Arab Muslim government in Khartoum a genocide! In other news, Russia's top General announced yesterday that following the Muslim terrorists' hostage taking of innocent schoolchildren in Beslan, North Ossetia, this amounts to a state of war between Russia and the global Muslim terrorist network. He said Russia now reserves the right to attack terrorist targets anywhere in the world. The Russian general's announcement immediately sent the cowardly pansy European Union into a Girlie Man hissy fit saying that the EU hadn't given Russia permission to do that. Russia being a manly state (unlike France and Germany the perfumed coiffured leaders of the EU) will no doubt pull a George W. Bush and tell the EU to go f- - k itself when the need arises.
This just in... a cowardly Mohammedan terrorist car bombing outside the Australian Embassy in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta has left at least nine people dead and over 160 injured. The suicide car bombing that led to the massive blast is believed to be the handiwork of Azahari Husin the bomb maker for the Muslim terrorist group Jemaah Islamiah (JI). JI is responsible for last year's bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta and the Bali nightclubs in 2002. The Muslim terrorist group wants to set up a Taliban-style Islamic Caliphate across all of southeast Asia. Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said the attack was most likely aimed at his country since the blast occurred outside the Australian Embassy. The Jemaah Islamiah group is starting to resemble the Inspector Clouseau-like effeciency of the American CIA however in that only Indonesians and no Australians were killed. The blast comes exactly a month before the Australian general election on October 9th. This is another example of the inherent stupidity of the cowardly Muslim terrorists and devoted followers of the Pervert Mohammed. If the Muslims actually think they can browbeat the Australians into following the example of the cowardly Spanish people and electing a wimpish limp-wristed pansy socialist party to be their government (which happened after the Madrid 3/11 blasts), then Muslims know nothing whatsoever about the land of Jocko, Paul the "Incredible Hulk" Hogan and Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

It was 500 years ago today that the statue of Michelangelo's David was unveiled in Florence, Italy.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Communist China's Public Security Ministry has announced that it is set to dispatch a 130-man "special police" unit to Haiti this month in what will be the first deployment of Red Chinese forces to the Western Hemisphere. The Global Daily Planet strongly suspects that while this might be the first deployment of Red Chinese forces in the Western Hemisphere, it probably won't be the last.

Monday, September 06, 2004

As al-Qaeda proudly boasts on an Islamic website of its involvement in the cowardly Mohammedan terrorist attack on innocent schoolchildren in the Russian town of Beslan, North Ossetia, the courageous Israelis have struck back at Palestinian terrorists in Gaza City. Last week, cowardly Mohammedan Palestinian terrorists blew up two buses in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba killing 16 people. Tonight, an Israeli attack helicopter launched missiles into Gaza City killing 13 people and injuring 20. The Global Daily Planet strongly suspects that the obnoxious Palestinian people won't be dancing joyously in the streets over that.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Funeral services are starting to be held to bury the victims of the hostage taking by Muslim terrorist scumbags in the Russian town of Beslan, North Ossetia. The death toll has now climbed to over 340.

In other news, Pope John Paul II met yesterday with Donald Smith the newly appointed Ambassador of the Sodomite Union (the country formerly known as Canada) to the Vatican. The pontiff used the meeting to condemn the policies of the Antichrist government of lying Luciferian Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin in promoting sodomite and lesbian blowhard marriages. Demonically inspired aides (or AIDS if you prefer) in the Prime Minister's Office in the Sodomite Union capital of Ottawa told the Pope to mind his own business saying it's up to the Government to decide on this issue. They will, of course, find out otherwise come Judgement Day when they'll discover that God has already decided the issue.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

England's most pre-eminent Apostle of the Antichrist (aka the ArchDruid of Canterbury) the Most Irrereverend Rowan Williams is once again making an ass of himself over the issue of sodomy. The pathetic pea-brained excuse for a clergyman (the biggest disgrace to Wales that the Welsh nation has ever produced!) has called on both sides in the debate over sodomite marriages and sodomite ordinations to show more grace in the debate. It has never occurred to this walking talking cesspool of satanic vomit who lives in Lambeth Palace that one side is following the will of God in this matter while the other side (the pro-sodomite side) is following the will of Satan. No word yet on whether this befuddled ecclesiastical Neville Chamberlain is calling for more grace to be shown in the celestial war that has been going on between God and Lucifer since the beginning of time.
It appears that the satanically sodomite Log Cabin Republicans group is going into a Girlie Man snit over the fact that Illinois US Senate Republican candidate Alan Keyes accurately and courageously called neo-Fascist Vice-President Dick Cheney's lesbian blowhard daughter a "selfish hedonist". The group of sexually anatomically challenged pervert Republicans snivelled, "Are we the party of Arnold Schwarzeneggar or Alan Keyes?". Unfortunately the Republicans are more the party of Arnold Schwarzeneggar (pro-Nazi Austrian-born bodybuilder) which is why I don't support the neo-Fascist Republicans. They then went on to snivel some more (as sodomites are prone to do) that "Are the Republicans going to continue to be the party of inclusion? Are they going to be the Party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan or the party of Alan Keyes?". In making this statement, the so-called Log Cabin Republicans are showing themselves to be not only abominable sodomites but abominable liars as well. I find it very hard to believe that either Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan would be willing to crawl into bed with the sodomites.
The death toll in the Muslim terrorist hostage taking siege of a Russian school in Beslan, North Ossetia has now surpassed 320. More and more evidence is emerging of a link to international Muslim terrorism in the incident as well as a link to al-Qaeda and financing from wealthy individuals and groups in Saudi Arabia itself. Using President Bush's doctrine that "If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists", Russia's President Putin has every justification to invade Saudi Arabia and overthrow the government as President Bush did to Iraq. Hopefully he'll do that and level the Muslim shrine cities of Mecca and Medina in the process as well.

Just one further comment, back in the days when the current Sodomite Union used to be called the Dominion of Canada, the CBC stood for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Then when it became just plain Canada under the Lester Bowels Pearson-Pierre Elliot Turdeau Liberals, CBC stood for Canadian Bolshevik Corporation. Now under New Age Luciferian globalist Paul Martin, the B in CBC stands for Butt-kissing-worshipper of Allah. Last night, the Canadian Butt-kissing-worshipper of Allah Corporation did a story on the siege of Beslan in which they vigourously attacked Vladimir Putin. They referred to the recently elected President of Chechnya as a Kremlin Quisling. There was no media objectivity whatsoever in the report by reporter Karen Off (a woman who's obviously off her rocker!). They said there was no evidence whatsoever of a conspiracy by Muslim groups to establish a worldwide global Islamic Caliphate on the planet. Overall they brought in so-called experts who seemed to approve of the terrorists' actions and the taking of children as hostages. CBC National Headquarters is based in Toronto, Ontario. Ontario is the province which recently paved the way for sharia or Islamic law to be implemented in that province's judicial system. Toronto is the city which is wholeheartedly responsible for putting New Age Luciferian Liberal Paul Martin in power in Ottawa.

If Putin wants to bomb and destroy CBC National Headquarters in Toronto, there would be millions of Western Canadians in the Toronto-imposed Sodomite Union who'd stand up and cheer.

Friday, September 03, 2004

This just in...it turns out that at least nine of the Muslim terrorists who held children hostage in the town of Beslan, North Ossetia were scumbag Arab Muslims. Well this should give Russian President Vladimir Putin an excuse to do the world a favour and nuke the Muslim shrine cities of Mecca and Medina. Then Muslim clergy and theologians can have quite the time explaining to their followers how Allah the "Omnipotent" isn't as powerful as the atomic bombs of the Russian Federation.
This just in...Russian soldiers were forced to storm the school in Beslan, North Ossetia after the scumbag Muslim Chechen terrorists started shooting some of the hostages. Many of the children were kept naked by the Muslim sleazebags (no doubt following the example of the Pervert Mohammed who liked to see his six-year-old wife naked before him) as well denied food and water for two days. Rescued children drank water hurriedly to help their dehydrated bodies recover. At least 200 people are believed to have been killed during the siege. Global Daily Planet advises its readers not to hold their breath waiting for the vast majority of the world's Muslim clergy to wholeheartedly condemn the taking of children as hostages otherwise those readers will keel over and die. Allah the so-called "Compassionate" isn't really so compassionate but just another malevolent demon entity who rejoices in the slaughter of children. His Pervert Mohammed would wholeheartedly agreee if he could just step away from the spit he's been tied to while roasting away down below ever since he kicked the bucket back in the 7th Century AD.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

The Passion of the Christ this Global Daily Planet editor saw for the first time tonight. I bought it on VHS tape last night. Congratulations Mel Gibson! Unlike Pope John Paul II, I'm not going to say "It is as it was" but through my understanding of human character and human behaviour that I've learned throughout the entire course of my lifetime, this film is probably the nearest that has ever been made or ever will be made in capturing the essence of what most likely happened. The New York Times' Frank Rich and Abraham Foxman the constipated Executive Director of the Anti-Defamation League will be most disappointed to know that I have no urge whatsoever to now go out and burn down a synagogue. And as for that Raymond Brown worshipping airhead nun and her Jesus Seminar worshipping hallucinogenic drug taking compatriots on the Ad Hoc Committee of So-Called "scholars" who criticized this film, Mel Gibson's interpretation of Scripture will be truer than anything you pseudo-intellectual bozos could possibly dream up or re-invent in 10,000 lifetimes. And as for all those pablum-puking liberal secular humanistic types in the media who claim this film is full of gratuitous violence, you're all filled to the brim with so much BS. I've seen a lot more violent films than this. Most of the time, the camera focused on somebody else when Jesus was undergoing his scourging. No, the only reason you object to this film is because it depicts Christ as the Son of God who became Man. You've never objected to violence in films before (in fact most of you hypocritically praised fat Communist slob Michael Moore for his realistic images of the Iraq War in the movie Fahrenheit 9/11 after you so roundly condemned Mel Gibson for his alleged graphic violence in movie reviews you did earlier this year) and suddenly when Mel Gibson does a film about Christ, you condemn it for its violence. As for anti-Semitism in this movie, there is none. Sure, most of the Jewish priests in this movie come off looking badly and satanic. But that was true of what they were like at that time period in history. If one were to make a movie showing the pro-abortion, pro-sodomite so-called Christian clergy of today (almost all of them gentiles), they'd come off looking badly and satanic too. It has nothing to do with their ethnicity. It has to do with their conscious or unconscious submission to Satan and his evil doctrines promoting human sacrifice and sexual perversion. As for the Roman soldiers who so revel in whipping Christ, they remind one so much of the sodomites who are so endlessly coming out of the closet these days. To them, S/M is just another one of their perversions. As I've said this film captures realistically human behaviour so well, an inherently corrupt clergy who usually preside in apocalyptic time periods, a cynical career politician who wonders what truth is, a transvestite puppet king who wants any Messiah he comes across to instantly perform miracles for him, and your sodomite butch S/M types who end up serving in an imperialistic Army (don't ask, don't tell!).

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Obnoxious supporters of the Pervert Mohammed and worshippers of the infidel pagan moon god Allah continue to show their ability to get along with the rest of humanity. Yesterday Palestinian Muslim terrorist bombings blew up two buses in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba killing 16 people. The obnoxious Palestinian people danced in the streets of Gaza after hearing the news. In Moscow, 10 people were killed outside a subway station when a scumbag Muslim Chechen female suicide bomber blew herself up. Then Muslim terrorists in Iraq shot 11 Nepalese hostages and beheaded another duely recording the whole grisly incident on video and proudly showing it on Muslim web sites throughout the Arab world. The citizens of Nepal to their everlasting credit are not the wimps and pansies most citizens are in the Western world and upon hearing news of their compatriots' slayings promptly gave the obnoxious Muslims a taste of their own medicine by storming an Allah butt worshipping mosque in Kathmandu the Nepalese capital. Now Chechen Muslim terrorists have taken over 200 elementary school students hostage at a school in the Russian province of North Ossetia. When some world leader finally gets around to following the Global Daily Planet's advice and drops atomic bombs on the Muslim shrine cities of Mecca and Medina, the obnoxious Muslims will no doubt wonder why they won't be getting any sympathy from the rest of the world and why people of other religions will be dancing in the streets upon hearing the news.

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